這是一本圖文并茂的絲路騎行游記,是陳守忠與6歲的女兒陳萱同騎絲路后共同寫作的。 本書從6歲的萱萱的視角,記錄下游絲路2100公里行程中的點滴和所見所聞,例如:跟巨人一起畫畫、晾房里的葡萄公主、駱駝麥當勞、彩色老虎、黃河奶茶、我的筋斗云、推倒長城、熊熊火焰山……語言充滿童真,輕松有趣,想象力豐富。旅行中拍攝的大量圖片和萱萱手繪的小卡通畫,展現(xiàn)了絲路的特色風光、物品和風土人情。輔以小板塊“爸爸的絲路日志”,由父親陳守忠寫就,如“品味生活的真正達人”“不設限的孩子,無邊際的想象”“不要戳破想象的泡泡”等,既有對陳萱親子教育的思考,又有父親游絲路的感想。 This book is co-written by Jack Chen and his six-year-old daughter,Sophie, and completed after their biking journey along the Silk Road.這是一本圖文并茂的絲路騎行游記,是陳守忠與6歲的女兒陳萱同騎絲路后共同寫作的。本書從6歲的萱萱的視角,記錄下游絲路2100公里行程中的點滴和所見所聞,例如:跟巨人一起畫畫、晾房里的葡萄公主、駱駝麥當勞、彩色老虎、黃河奶茶、我的筋斗云、推倒長城、熊熊火焰山……語言充滿童真,輕松有趣,想象力豐富。旅行中拍攝的大量圖片和萱萱手繪的小卡通畫,展現(xiàn)了絲路的特色風光、物品和風土人情。輔以小板塊“爸爸的絲路日志”,由父親陳守忠寫就,如“品味生活的真正達人”“不設限的孩子,無邊際的想象”“不要戳破想象的泡泡”等,既有對陳萱親子教育的思考,又有父親游絲路的感想!his book is co-written by Jack Chen and his six-year-old daughter,Sophie, and completed after their biking journey along the Silk Road. FromSophie’s angle the book vividly records the visual and emotional experience ofthe 2,100 km biking journey, especially when Sophie’s imagination is involved:painting with the Giants, “grape princess” in the drying shelter, the camel“McDonald’s,” colored tiger toys, the Yellow River “milk tea,” somersaultcloud, “pushing down” the Great Wall, the flaming mountains, etc. A greatnumber of photos taken during their journey, plus interesting cartoon imagesdrawn by Sophie, present a lively picture of the unique landscapes, productsand people of the Silk Road. The sections in “Papa’s Silk Road Journal” such as“Talent for Life,” “Unlimited Exploration and Unbounded Imagination,” and“Don’t Break the Bubbles of Imagination” written by Jack Chen, tell us about afather’s thoughts on parental education and how he sees the Silk Road. 創(chuàng)下全球年齡*小騎單車游絲路首例! Sophieis the youngest child in the world to have traveled the Silk Road by bike todate! 每個人都是天生的旅人 Everybodyis an inborn traveler. 神秘美麗的絲路 Thebeautiful and mysterious Silk Road. 世界之大,有多少未曾見過的風景,有多少難以想象的見面,又將為生命帶來多少沖擊與改變? Onthe Earth there are so many scenic spots we haven’t visited and so many peoplewe haven’t met. What great impact and influence will they have on us? 小女孩陳萱只有6歲,卻以2個半月的時間從西安至吐魯番,與爸爸陳守忠完成了2100公里絲路親子壯游創(chuàng)舉,創(chuàng)下全球年齡*小騎單車游絲路首例! 400多張異域照片、大量風土人情、點滴絲路知識、親子教育思考,都在這本書里。 騎行不要迷失在速度和數(shù)字的追逐里,不要過于在乎一天騎行多少公里,更重要的是慢下來!慢下來才更好玩兒! Six-year-oldSophie completed an epic 2,100 km bike journey from Xi’an to Turpan in two anda half months, with the assistance of her father. The extraordinary achievementmakes her the youngest child in the world to have cycled the Silk Road to date.創(chuàng)下全球年齡*小騎單車游絲路首例! Sophieis the youngest child in the world to have traveled the Silk Road by bike todate! 每個人都是天生的旅人 Everybodyis an inborn traveler. 神秘美麗的絲路 Thebeautiful and mysterious Silk Road. 世界之大,有多少未曾見過的風景,有多少難以想象的見面,又將為生命帶來多少沖擊與改變? Onthe Earth there are so many scenic spots we haven’t visited and so many peoplewe haven’t met. What great impact and influence will they have on us? 小女孩陳萱只有6歲,卻以2個半月的時間從西安至吐魯番,與爸爸陳守忠完成了2100公里絲路親子壯游創(chuàng)舉,創(chuàng)下全球年齡*小騎單車游絲路首例! 400多張異域照片、大量風土人情、點滴絲路知識、親子教育思考,都在這本書里! ◎T行不要迷失在速度和數(shù)字的追逐里,不要過于在乎一天騎行多少公里,更重要的是慢下來!慢下來才更好玩兒! Six-year-oldSophie completed an epic 2,100 km bike journey from Xi’an to Turpan in two anda half months, with the assistance of her father. The extraordinary achievementmakes her the youngest child in the world to have cycled the Silk Road to date. Thisbook contains more than 400 photos taken along the Silk Road and will helpreaders gain deeper insights about the Silk Road through its unique landscapesand interesting local people, as well as a father’s insights on parentaleducation. Inbiking, a rider should not be pursuing speed and distance. Slowing down thepace will make the ride much more fun. “世界這么大,我想帶孩子去看看!”——陳守忠 “The earth is so vast that I justwant to take my child to see as much of it as possible.” --Jack Chen