長篇小說《天長地久》,是作家張海迪繼《輪椅上的夢》《絕頂》之后的又一力作。海迪在小說的前言里有一句話:“很多年來,我一直有一個愿望——在我還能握住筆的時候,寫一部關于星空的書。這個愿望來自我童年時對天空的冥想,也是成年后對時光飛逝如梭的悵惘。”她以女性少有的宏大氣魄描繪了無邊的宇宙星空和壯闊的自然景象,塑造了天文學家杜克成、河流學家曾在平、雕塑家余錦菲、動物學家朱麗寧等別具尊嚴和精神的知識分子形象,深刻而理性地探照了現(xiàn)代人的心靈。The long novel, Enduring as the Universe, is another masterpiece by Zhang Haidi following her Dream on Wheelchair and The Topmost. Zhang explains the reason for writing the book in the Preface: “I have long cherished a dream—writing a book about the sky dotted with stars—before I couldn’t even hold a pen. Actually, it originates from my childhood meditation about the sky and it also mirrors my adult regret over the passing of time.” She depicted an immense universe with boundless starry sky and splendid natural landscape. She also created a number of roles pursuing individual dignity and high spirit, such as Du Kecheng, an astronomer, Zeng Zaiping, an expert in potamology, Yu Jinfei, a sculptress, and Zhu Lining, a zoologist. These roles will lead the readers to deeply and rationally explore the minds of the modern people. 人世間有多少憂愁和期待、欲求和幻滅,在永恒的天地間上演。在浩瀚的宇宙中,人生只不過是一段微小的旅程,短暫如流星。然而,人們總要經(jīng)歷找尋和回歸的過程。哪怕途中曾經(jīng)困頓、迷惘,如果歸來時風塵仆仆、步履鏗鏘,也就不虛此行。Every person across the globe has to live through worries, expectations, desires and disillusions. A lifetime is just a very short journey in the vast universe. It will soon vanish as a meteor. However, people have never stopped looking for the answers to the questions in their hearts, even though they may encounter difficulties and feel exhausted and confused on the way. What the people want is a return with definite answers. Then, the journey is worthwhile.